Capacity Building for Nigerian Agricultural Extensionists for the Dissemination of HIV/AIDS Preventive Techniques to Farm Families


  • Nkiru Meludu Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Capacity Building, Nigerian Agricultural Extensionists, Dissemination of HIV/AIDS Preventive Techniques


In recent times recognition of the pandemic effect of HIV/AIDS in agricultural production growing. Hopefully with concerted efforts and actions lives could be saved, suffering and the impoverishsmtilelnts reduced. Since the disease commonly strikes the most economically productive members HIV/AIDS a problem of critical importance for agricultural, economic and social development. The rate infection and the absence of a viable medication that could be affordable the poor call baywareness and adoption of the prefoverntive techniques. Ignorance, negative attitude and behavioral pattern could be seen as the basis for the spread of HIV/AIDS Nigeria. The focus of this paper is on advocacy for the inclusion of HIV/AIDS preventive techniques dissemination in agricultural extensionpackage. The result revealed that there a significant relation ship between awaisreness and use of preventive techniques (Use of condom X2 =18.291, p=0.019; Abstain from sex X2 =17.537, p; =0.025Use new syringe/needle X2 = 0.007). Many agricultural extension agents (96 %) indicated that in addition to capacity building on the they should also be provided with the necessary materials for the dissemination of HIV/AIDS21.017, p =0.02, preventive measure. information.


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How to Cite

Meludu, N. (2006). Capacity Building for Nigerian Agricultural Extensionists for the Dissemination of HIV/AIDS Preventive Techniques to Farm Families. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 9. Retrieved from



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