Socio-Economic Determinants of Cocoyam Farmer’s Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Nigeria
Farmers Adaptation Strategies, Climate Change, GenderAbstract
The study assessed cocoyam farmers strategies for climate change adaptation in Southeast Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select sample for the study. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and Interview schedule and analysed using mean, frequency count, percentages and multinomial logit regression analysis. Findings showed that respondents were mainly women (67%), married (92%) and between the ages of 41 and 60 (52%) with a mean household size of 6 persons. Mean number of years spent in school was 10 years. Majority (40%) earned monthly income of ₦20,000 and below. Average farming experience was 21 years with mixed cropping (71%) as the major cropping pattern while combination of livestock and crop production (48%) was the major farming activity done. Farm size was mainly one hectare and below (64%) which was accessed mainly through inheritance (76%) and farm labour sourced through hired labour (50%). Major crops cultivated was cassava followed by maize and yam. Major adaptation strategies used by the cocoyam farmers in the study area include increased use of organic manure (42%), frequent weeding (10%), application of indigenous knowledge (20%), use of information from extension agents (16%), use of fallowing (9%) and application of multiple cropping (3%). Choice of adaptation strategies used by cocoyam farmers was influenced by age, gender, location of farmer, monthly income and labour. Based on the result of the study, it was recommended that gender and location specific adaptation strategies that are within the financial status of the farmers should be emphasized.ÂReferences
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Chukwu, G.O., Nwosu, K.I., Madu, T.U., Chimaka, C., Okoye, B.C. (2009). Development of gocing storage method for cocoyam. Proceedings of the 4th Annual conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Abuja: 60-62.
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Eriksen, S., Aldunce, P., Bahinipati, C.S., (2011). When not every response to climate change is a good one: identifying principles for sustainable adaptation. Climate and development. 3:7-20.
Eriksen, S., Lind, J. (2009). Adaptation as a political process: Adjusting to drought and conflict in Kenya’s dry lands. Environmental Management. 43(5):817–835.
Eriksen, S., O’Brien, K.L. (2007). Vulnerability, poverty and the need for sustainable adaptation measures. Climate Policy. 7(4): 337–352.
Ezeh, N.O.A., Arene, O.B. (1987). Economic Analysis of Technological Changes in Six Nigeria Root and tuber crops industries, Paper presented at the 28th Annual conference of the science association of Nigeria held at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri.
Ezemonye, M.N., Emeribe, C.N. (2012). Rainfall erosivity in Southeastern Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management (EJESM). 5(2):112-122.
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Greene, W.H. (2000). Econometric analysis. Fourth edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Greene, W.H. (2003). Econometric analysis. Fifth edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Hassan, R., Nhemachena, C. (2008). Determinants of African farmers’ strategies for adapting to climate change: Multinomial choice analysis. African journal of agriculture and resource economics. 2(1): 83-104.
Hausman, J.A., Wise D (1978). A conditional probit model for qualitative choice: Discrete decisions recognizing interdependence and heterogeneous preferences. Econometrica. 46(2): 403-426
Hausman, J.A., McFadden D (1984). Specification tests for the multinomial logit model. Econometrica. 52 (5): 1219–40.
Ifeanyi-obi, C.C., Asiabaka, C.C., Adesope, O.M. (2014). Determinants of Climate Change Adaptation Measures Used by Crop and Livestock Farmers in Southeast Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) India.19 (9): 61-70.
Judge, G.G., Griffiths, W.E., Hill, R.C., Lütkepohl, H., Lee, T.C. (1985). The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, 2nd Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Long, J.S. (1997). Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables. Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciences Number 7. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA.
McFadden, D. (1974). Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice behavior. In Frontiers in Econometrics, ed. P. Zarembka, New York: Academic Press: 105-42.
Næss, L.O., Bang, G., Eriksen, S., Vevatne, J. (2005). Institutional adaptation to climate change: flood responses at the municipal level in Norway. Global Environmental Change. 15(2): 125–138.
Okoye, B.C., Onyenwaku, C.E., Agwu, A.E. (2008). Technical efficiency of small cocoyam farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Extension Policy. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria (AESON) Book Abstracts, held at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, April, 8-11, 2008.
Syngenta Annual report (2012). The importance of soil fertility. importance-of-soil-fertility.aspx. Retrieved 24/10/15
Tse, Y.K. (1987). A diagnostic test for the multinomial logit model. Journal of Business and
Economic Statistics. 5 (2): 283–86.
Ukonze, J.A. (2012). Impact of Climate Change on Cocoyam Production in South Eastern Nigeria. International Journal for Education, Science and Public Policy in Africa (UESPPA). 2(1):161-168.
Walter, E.B. (1997). Vulnerability of the agricultural sector of Latin America to climate change. Climate Research. 9: 1 – 7.
Wu, J., Babcock, B.A. (1998). On choice of tillage, rotation, and soil testing practices: economic and environmental implications, American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 80: 494-511
How to Cite
Ifeanyi-obi, C. C., Togun, A., Lamboll, R., & Arokoyu, S. (2017). Socio-Economic Determinants of Cocoyam Farmer’s Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 21(2). Retrieved from
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