Impact of Use of Chemical Fertiliser on Farm Households’ Risk Behaviour and Food Security in Ethiopia
Chemical Fertilizer, Risk Behaviour, Food Security, Northern EthiopiaAbstract
This paper explores the impact of chemical fertiliser on smallholder farmers’ risk behaviour and food security. The findings show that the severity of food security is lower for farmers who adopted chemical fertiliser (15%) than those who didn’t adopt (27%). Risk taking behaviour is predominantly associated with farmers who adopt chemical fertiliser. The number of food secure farmers was higher for risk taker farmers (54%) than that of risk averse farmers (46%). Use of chemical fertiliser significantly affected both farmers’ risk behaviour and food security. Therefore, it can be concluded that since risk averse farmers are less likely to adopt chemical fertiliser and other technological innovations, it entails improving their awareness through demonstration, teaching and public discussion.References
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Olarinde, L., Manyong, V., Akintolajo, M. (2007). Attitude towards risk among maize farmers’ in dry savanna zone of Nigeria: prospective policies for improving food production. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(8):399-408
Prokopy, L., Floress, K., Klotthor-Weinkauf, D. and Baumgart-Getz, A. (2008). Determinants of agricultural best management practice adoption: evidence from the literature. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 63(5):300-311
Randela, R., Liebenberg, G., Kirsten, J. and Townsend, R. (2000). Demand for livestock tick control service in the venda region, northern province. Journal of Agrekon, 39(4):644-655
Sekhampu, J. (2013). Determinants of the food security status of households receiving government grants in Kwakwatsi, South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (1):147-155
Todaro, M., and Smith, S. (2011). Economic Development 11 (Ed), Addison-Wesley, Pearson, ISBN 10: 0-13-801388-8.
Torkamani, A., Torkamani, J. and Abdolahi, M. (2001). Empirical comparison of direct techniques for measuring attitudes toward risk. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 3:163-170.
William, G., Samuel, K., Dadzie, N. and Michael, W. (2014). Poverty and risk attitudes: the case of cassava farmers in Awutu-Senya district of the central region of Ghana. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 3(2): 164-178
How to Cite
Zeweld, W., Hdgot, A., & Hailu, G. (2017). Impact of Use of Chemical Fertiliser on Farm Households’ Risk Behaviour and Food Security in Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 21(2). Retrieved from
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