Collective Leadership Competencies among Agricultural Researchers in Selected Agricultural Institutes in Oyo state, Nigeria


  • Matthew Oose Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
  • Richard Oyeyinka
  • Delight Popoola


The study assessed the collective leadership competencies of agricultural researchers in Oyo state, Nigeria. Data were collected using a pre-tested collective leadership questionnaire of compass dimensions of future possibilities, engagement, innovation, humanity, collective intelligence, and wholeness. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, weighted mean scores, and inter-correlational analysis. Results show that most (79.5%) were married, and 35.8% had master’s degrees with a mean age and years of experience of 46 and 16 years, respectively. Results on future possibilities reveal that 28.4% of the employee daily create and maintain clarity in their professional vision. Also, the result on the compass dimension of employees’ engagement shows that 47.7% invested their time in relationship building. In addition, for the compass dimension on innovation, 63.6% of the employees stated that they nurture creativity and stay open to new ideas. For collective intelligence, 38.0% of the employees revealed daily established structured dialogues that harvest different perspectives. Findings indicate a significant (p<0.05) relationship between future possibilities (r=0.03*), innovation (r=0.001*), and collective leadership competencies. The study concluded that agricultural researchers’ collective leadership competencies are very low and therefore the study recommends that sensitization workshops on collective leadership be organized for agricultural researchers in the study area. 


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How to Cite

Oose, M., Oyeyinka, R., & Popoola , D. . (2023). Collective Leadership Competencies among Agricultural Researchers in Selected Agricultural Institutes in Oyo state, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 27(3), 73–80. Retrieved from



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