Institutional Factors Influencing Diary Farmers Participation in Formal and Informal Milk Markets in Maseru Urban, Lesotho, South Africa


  • Montoeli Ashy Rantlo National University of Lesotho
  • Tsoako Molulela
  • Muroyiwa Brian


The study was undertaken with the purpose of investigating institutional factors influencing participation in milk markets in Maseru urban. Out of 30 dairy farmers, 30 were selected using a survey method and data was collected using a structured questionnaires. The data generated was analysed using both descriptive statistics and logit model. Descriptive results show that dairy farmers use formal market channels more than informal market channels. Empirical results show that market information, membership in organization and collective action, government support and contractual agreements influence participation in formal markets while social capital, path dependency, delayed payments and distance to milk collection centres influence participation in the informal markets. 

Author Biographies

Montoeli Ashy Rantlo, National University of Lesotho

National University of Lesotho. Roma, Lesotho

Tsoako Molulela

National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho

Muroyiwa Brian

National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho




How to Cite

Rantlo, M. A., Molulela, T., & Brian, M. (2020). Institutional Factors Influencing Diary Farmers Participation in Formal and Informal Milk Markets in Maseru Urban, Lesotho, South Africa. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 24(2), 48–59. Retrieved from



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