Publication Fee Waiver and Discounts

Payment for Publication

Submission and review are at no cost to the authors. The cost of the review process is borne by Society.  However, authors of accepted articles are required to pay a publication fee of 50,000 Naira ($100). Authors of accepted articles that came through the annual or special conferences of the Society will be required to pay a publication charge of 15,000 Naira. The monies are specifically used to support part of the cost of publication, distribution of the hard copies of the Journal and related activities. 

Publication Fee Waiver and Discounts 

JAE has provision for a publication fee waiver and discounts for authors with demonstrated needs ( places in war crisis, prolonged natural disaster, physically challenged). Discounts vary from 10% to 50%. Application for waiver or discounts should be addressed to ( indicating the basis for the request.