Analysis of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in NIFFR and the Challenge of Skilled Fishery Extension Manpower Development in Nigeria


  • P I Ifejika National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research P.M.B.6006, New-Bussa 913003, Niger State
  • F C Odunze
  • J O Ayanda
  • V A K, Sado


students, niffr, fishery, extension, Nigeria


The study examined Student’s Industrial Work Experience Schemecarried out in NIFFR visa-a-vise the challenge of skilled manpowerdevelopment for fishery extension. Secondary data collected from NIFFRlibrary and report of 2007 SIWES period was analysed descriptively. Outof 617 students from 36 schools that visited NIFFR, 282 (46%) were for ITfrom 16 tertiary institutions in the six geo-political zones. Over 80% of theIT students were University students in the department of fisheriesdominated by institutions in the South West and North Central zones.SIWES students spend 2-32 weeks to acquire skills and practicalknowledge in different aspects of fisheries like artisanal, aquaculture &biotechnology, fish technology, environmental studies, and socioeconomic/extension. High influx of students in the department of fisheriesis an indication that NIFFR adds value to graduates of fisheries. However,it is appalling to note that students of agricultural extension never utilizeopportunities existing at NIFFR for industrial training like theircounterparts in fisheries department. This is a pointer to a large extentthat the challenge of training skilled and competent professionals forfishery agricultural extension is still a mirage rather than a reality. Toreverse the ugly trend, students of agricultural extension in varioustertiary institutions should be compelled to spend at least two weeks oftheir IT period at NIFFR for practical experience. This development will beseen as a step in the right direction towards skill development andchanging student’s perception to seek livelihood in fishery particularly inaquaculture to create jobs and reduce unemployment as well as buildingcompetency and confidence.




How to Cite

Ifejika, P. I., Odunze, F. C., Ayanda, J. O., & K, Sado, V. A. (2008). Analysis of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in NIFFR and the Challenge of Skilled Fishery Extension Manpower Development in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 12(1). Retrieved from



General Extension and Teaching Methods