Constraints Faced by Rice Processors in Milling and Branding of Home Grown Rice in Enugu State, Nigeria


  • Uzoamaka Cynthia Nwachukwu Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Ikenna Charles Ukwuaba Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Onyebuchi Jonathan Umeh Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka


This study examined the constraints faced by rice processors in branding and milling of improved local rice quality in Enugu State, Nigeria. Unbranded and poor packaged locally processed rice are distinguishable from imported rice brand and hence the value is not appreciated by the consumers. Locally processed rice when branded and packaged leads to value addition. The objectives of the study were to: identify the socio-economic characteristics of rice processors in the study area, examine the factors that influence the branding of locally processed rice and examine the major constraints in processing locally produced rice into high quality rice. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to survey 23 respondents across three communities in three local government areas and two agricultural zones selected. Primary data were used for this study. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were used to analyse the data collected. The socio economic characteristics of the rice processors showed that the enterprise was dominated by the married, literate males with mean age and rice processing experience of 46 years and 16 years respectively. Findings of this study showed that along the unit of local rice branding, that packaging was the only form of branding carried out by processors. The factors that influenced the branding of locally processed rice in the study area were grouped into four factors which include inability to appreciate new technology, non-availability of required technology, labour and cost of packaging materials. Also the major constraints in the processing of improved quality of local rice brands are grouped into five factors which are inability to appreciate new knowledge, new technology, communication on storage facilities, labour and marketing information. This study therefore recommends that the rice processors should be trained adequately on branding and improving the quality of locally processed rice and provision of the required technology. This will improve the competitiveness of local rice relative with imported rice thereby increasing its demand.




How to Cite

Nwachukwu, U. C., Ukwuaba, I. C., & Umeh, O. J. (2020). Constraints Faced by Rice Processors in Milling and Branding of Home Grown Rice in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 24(1), 118–127. Retrieved from



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