Effect of Training on Adoption of Improved Farm Practices by Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria.


  • G M Adebo Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Ado Ekiti
  • S O EWUOLA Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University of Technology, Akure


training, Adoption, Improved Farm Practices


An investigation was conducted on whether or not fanners training affects their adoption of improved farmpractices in Agriculture. Two hundred farmers were randomly selected from 10 Local Government Areas of Ondo State and madeto respond to the interview schedule used in eliciting responses for the study. Findings revealed that farmers were trained by the Agricultural Extension Agents of Ondo State Agricultural Development Project; that men received training on improvedfarm practices on yam production and 32.5% received training on87.5% received the training through farm/home visit, 75% through radio and 41.0% through television programme; practical demonstration infilm shows in farmer's meeting. Furthermore, findings showed that farmers preferred training on> >rit v (87.0%) maize, cassava and rice respectively while 60.5% recent a training on improved farm practices of cowpea. The result further showed that, received through farmers meeting while 60.0% receivedv. In addition 71.5% agreed that the extension agents utilized training, 60.8% learnt through group discussions, 60.2% through radio, and 30% throughlearnt through result demonstration on television programmes. farm/home and practical demonstration method to other methods of training.The result of the study equally indicated that timeliness and medium of training had effect on the level ofi practices. It also showed that availability of inputs—seed, cutting, fertilizers and correlation with the adoption of improvedfarm practices on maize, rice and cassava. The improvedfarm practices increased tlieir output ofmaize, rice and cassava. therefore recommended that the extension agents of Agricultural Development Project in Ondo Stateimproved farm practices. More extension the use of farm Thome visits and farm meetings which is preferred by the technologies should be supported with adequate input at the right time to enhance adoption. adoption of improved farnagrochemicals hadpositive training received and their adoption ofIt was should intensify training given to the farmers to enhance the adoption ofagents should be employed to increuse farnlers.


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How to Cite

Adebo, G. M., & EWUOLA, S. O. (2006). Effect of Training on Adoption of Improved Farm Practices by Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 9. Retrieved from https://journal.aesonnigeria.org/index.php/jae/article/view/241



General Extension and Teaching Methods