Sustainable Water Conservation Practices and Challenges among Smallholder Farmers in Enyibe Ermelo Mpumalanga Province, South Africa


  • Agholor Azikiwe Isaac University of Mpumalanga
  • Mzwakhe Nkosi, Mr University of Mpumalanga. Private Bag X11283. Nelspruit, 1200. South Africa.


Abstract The study examined the adoption of water conservation practices and challenges encountered by smallholder farmers in water resource conservation in Enyibe, Ermelo South Africa. The data were collected using structured questionnaires, observation and focus group discussion. Frequency, mean and logistics regression were used for data analysis. Age (β=1.238), sex (β=-1.497), level of education (β=-1.062), access to irrigation facilities (β=1.690), payment of water tariff (β=1.369) and agricultural extension advice (β=-.631) were significant and associated with adoption of water conservation practice. The identified constraints in the adoption process were inadequate technical guidelines, financial, government policies, and inadequate knowledge of water conservation practices. There is need to improve information, showcase the benefits of water conservation, and ensure maintenance of water conservation infrastructure. Concerted effort must be made to establish robust database on water resource conservation and sources of water utilised in the area.  

Author Biography

Mzwakhe Nkosi, Mr, University of Mpumalanga. Private Bag X11283. Nelspruit, 1200. South Africa.

Nkosi Mzwakhe School of Agriculture, Agricultural Extension and Rural Resource Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Mpumalanga. Private Bag X11283. Nelspruit, 1200. South Africa. Email:  




How to Cite

Isaac, A. A., & Nkosi, M. (2020). Sustainable Water Conservation Practices and Challenges among Smallholder Farmers in Enyibe Ermelo Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 24(2), 112–123. Retrieved from



General Extension and Teaching Methods