A Comparative Two Cassava-Based Exclusive to the Female Gender in Oyo State, Nigeria
Economic Analysis, Gender, Cassava-Based BusinessAbstract
This studycomparedfufuprocessingandmarketinginIbadan. Oyo State. Thesample size for the study was 195 respondents divided into 75 processors and 120 marketers. Data, collected by means of questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary, z-test and multiple regression analyses Empirical analysis shows that the average family size was 6 for processors and 5 for marketers. Most of the marketers(60 0%) soldtheir fufuin the openin designatedmarkets while 25.0% soldit to operators of eateries. ProcessingreturnedN36 for every N100 investedwhilemarkefotirnegvyeireyldNe1d0N013. A significant difference existedbetween the income generatedby the two ventures. Multipleregression analysis revealed the factors that were significant and either positively or negatively impacted on income from the ventures. Since fufu processing was more stressful than marketing, it shouldbe a welcome development simple machineries can be fabricatedandsold to fufuprocessors at affordable costs to enable them carry out theiractivities with ease andcontributemoremeaningfully to economic developmentReferences
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Dipeolu, A.O; Ayinde, I.A; Adebayo, K; Oyewole O.B; Sanni, L.O; Pearce, D.M; Wandschneider, T.S; White, J.L; and Westby,A. (2000). “Viability Analysis of Cassava Processing in South-west of Nigeriaâ€. Report submitted to the Department for International Development (DFID). Crop Harvest Research Programme (ProjectR7495) UK.
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Mafimisebi, T.E;F. Y. Okunmadewa and S.K. Adebayo (2000).†Structure, Conduct and Performance of Sun-dried Meat Trade in Ibadan Metropolisâ€. Journal of Education and TechnologyinNigeria. 5(1): 68-75.
Mafimisebi, T.E;F. Y. Okunmadewa and Wright, A.D(2002).’’Marketing Margins Differentials at Three Levels of the Egg Distributive Chain in Ibadan Metropolisâ€. Tropical Journal of Animal Science,5 (1):87-98.
Mafimiselbi, T.E (2003). “Investment Yield of Mangrove Fish Farms in Ondo State, Nigeriaâ€.
JournalofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries vol. 4:19-23
OGADEP(1999). “Global Strategy for Cassava Developmentâ€. Nigeria Country Case Study Report. OGADEP, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
Okechukwu, PE. and J.C. Okaka (1984). “Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of Aeration, Acidity and Chip Size on the Fermentation of Cassava for Fufu Productionâ€2(1): 145-147.
Okunmadewa, F.Y. (1999). “Gender Data for Policy Formulation and Programme Planningâ€Invited Paper presented at a Workshop on Gender Issues in Economic Development organised by UCEISÿV, Ibadan, September 6 to. Pp17.
Okunmadewa, F.Y.and T.E. Mafimisebi (2001).“The Determinants of Market Performance of Sun-dried Meat Trade in Ibadan Metropolisâ€. Tropical Animal Production Investigations, 4 (2): 185-192.
Oyewole, O.B. and L.O. Sanni (1995). “Constraints in Traditional Cassava Processing: TheCase of Fufu Productionâ€.TransformationAllimentaireDuCassavaFoodProcessing.
T. Agbor Egbe, A. Brauman, D. Griffon andS.Treche (Eds.) ORSTOM.
Quisumbing, A., Lynn, R.B., Hillary, S.F; Lawrence, H and Christine, P. (1995). “Women:
The Key to Food Security. Food Policy Report, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
Stamp, P. (1989). Technology, GenderandPowerinAfrica. Ottawa, IDRC Technical Study.
Nkhum, M.E and F.O. NKwocha,(1989). “The HydrocyanicAcid (HCN) Content of Gari Flour Made from Cassava (Manihotspp.) and the influence of Fermentation and Location of Sourceâ€. FoodChem., 33,107-113.
Ugwu, B.O (1996).“Increasing Cassava Production in Nigeria and Prospects for Sustainingthe Trendâ€. Outlook onAgriculture, Vol25, (3): 179 185.
World Bank (2002). Gender Intensity in Production by Country and Sector. World Bank Working Paper.
How to Cite
Mafimisebi, T. E. (2007). A Comparative Two Cassava-Based Exclusive to the Female Gender in Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 10. Retrieved from https://journal.aesonnigeria.org/index.php/jae/article/view/273
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