Extension Professionals' Perception of Privatisation and Commercialisation of Agricultural Extension Service in Enugu State Agricultural Development Programme


  • N Ozor Department of Agricultural Extension University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • M C Madukwe Department of Agricultural Extension University of Nigeria, Nsukka


Extension Personnel, Perception, Privatisation


The study was designed to ascertain the perception held by extension professionals - fieldextension workers and extension administrators, of the privatisation and commercialisationof agricultural extension service. A semi -structured interview schedule was used to elicitinformation from 117 respondents on their perceptions to privatisation and commercialisationof extension service and the differences between the perceptions held by extensionadministrators and field extension workers. A 4 -point Likert -type scale with 15 items wasused to ascertain these perceptions. Data were analysed using percentages, mean scores,standard deviations and t -test statistics. The study reveals that the respondents have apositive perception towards the privatisation and commercialisation of agricultural extensionservice. it equally shows that there are significant differences in the perception held by fieldextension workers and extension administrators as regards the statements; private extensionservices breeds corruption and nepotism, leads to foreign domination, leads to incomeinequality and leads to poor capacity building. The study concludes that as a result of thepositive perception held by the extension professionals to privatisation andcommercialisation, there should be increased participation of the private sector in agriculturalextension services in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Ozor, N., & Madukwe, M. C. (2015). Extension Professionals’ Perception of Privatisation and Commercialisation of Agricultural Extension Service in Enugu State Agricultural Development Programme. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 5(1). Retrieved from https://journal.aesonnigeria.org/index.php/jae/article/view/279



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