Determinants of Job Performance of Extension Agents in Akwa -Ibom State of Nigeria


  • Umar Bello Farouk Department of Agricultural Extension & Economics Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
  • S S Okpokpo


Determinants, Job Performance, Extension Agents


This study was undertaken to investigate the determinants of job performance of extension agents in Akwa -Ibom State. Information for the study was obtained from 45 extension agents in lkol- Ekpene zone of Akwa -Ibom State Agricultural Development Project through a selfadministered structured questionnaire. The study revealed that several factors - agents' personalcharacteristics, staff welfare and development, agents' teaching behaviour and organisational factors - are important for agents' performance.


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How to Cite

Farouk, U. B., & Okpokpo, S. S. (2015). Determinants of Job Performance of Extension Agents in Akwa -Ibom State of Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 1. Retrieved from



General Extension and Teaching Methods