Contributions of Anchor Borrowers Programme to Rice Farmers’ Productivity in Ekiti State


  • Lukman A. Akinbile University of Ibadan
  • Mubarak Akingbade
  • Salaudeen Olayinka Abdulrahman University of Ibadan


Anchor Borrowers Programme, Rice Farmers, Rice Productivity


Contributions of Anchor Borrowers Programme to rice farmers’ productivity were investigated in Ekiti state. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 173 respondents and a structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on farmers’ level of productivity before and during ABP. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, PPMC, paired t-test at ?0.05 and Linear regression. The average farm size cultivated for rice was 3.22±1.4 ha, and the majority (98.8%) used a combination of mechanical and manual methods to cultivate rice before and during ABP. Timely paddy off-take was 13.3% before and 62.4% during ABP. Land fragmentation and tenure system (M=1.91) and high cost of labour (M=1.86) were major constraints faced by the respondents. Farmers’ rice productivity increased from 1.67 to 2.65 under ABP. Incentives provided during ABP that contributed significantly to rice farmers’ productivity were rice seed use and timely use of herbicides and insecticides. The ABP contributed significantly to rice farmers’ productivity in Ekiti state. Problems associated with extension contact and quality of extension delivery would be effectively addressed with the deployment of e-agricultural extension to improve farmers' productivity.

Author Biography

Lukman A. Akinbile, University of Ibadan

Professor of Agricultural Extension at the department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan


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How to Cite

Akinbile, L. A., Akingbade, M., & Abdulrahman, S. O. (2023). Contributions of Anchor Borrowers Programme to Rice Farmers’ Productivity in Ekiti State. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 27(1), 49–60. Retrieved from



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