Employment Equity in the Poultry Value Chain of Commercial Agricultural Development Project in Enugu State, Nigeria


  • Charles Ekene Udoye university of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Okoro, John Chukwuma


The study examined employment equity among actors in the poultry value chain of the Commercial Agricultural Development Project (CADP) in Enugu State. Seventy-one core actors (service providers, producers, processors and marketers) in the poultry value chain were randomly selected for the study. Data were collected using a structured interview schedule. Data were analysed using percentages, chart and mean score. Results show that the mean number of male and female employed by the producers on full-time basis was two persons each for 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 production seasons. In 2010, the mean monthly payment for male and females employed by the producers on full-time basis were ?8,171.43 and ?8,466.67, respectively. The majority (62.5%) of the producers were poor. Service providers’ perceived benefit of the poultry value chain include: employment creation (=2.00) while processors indicated sustainability of agricultural projects (=3.00). The poultry value chain approach of CADP was sensitive in their employment structure and was beneficial in terms of poverty eradication through job creation. Government should support the actors in the poultry value chain financially specifically the producers through the provision of credit facilities such as loans in order to bring about positive change in their wealth status.

Author Biography

Charles Ekene Udoye, university of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department of Agric extension University of Nigeria, Nsukka Lecturer


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How to Cite

Udoye, C. E., & Okoro, J. C. (2024). Employment Equity in the Poultry Value Chain of Commercial Agricultural Development Project in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 28(1), 110–124. Retrieved from https://journal.aesonnigeria.org/index.php/jae/article/view/4001



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