The Dynamics of Linkages and Innovativeness in Publicly and Privately Driven Agricultural Value Chains


  • Seth Awuku Manteaw Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Ghana
  • J N Anaglo Department of Agricultural Extension University of Ghana
  • S D Boateng Department of Agricultural Extension University of Ghana


Linkages, Innovativeness, Publicly and Privately Driven Agricultural Value Chains,


The study examined how linkages among actors in the cocoa and pineapple value chains relate to the innovativeness of actors in the chains. The study showed that a policy environment that promoted public sector leadership in value chain functions and service provision, tended to offer less incentives for smallholder producers in the value chain to forge linkages and interact horizontally or vertically. It concluded that actors in agricultural value chain could build their capacity to respond to challenges if they united their efforts. In terms of policy implication, the study makes a case for more private sector involvement in value chain functions and service provision as it is more likely to foster linkages towards systems innovation.

Author Biography

Seth Awuku Manteaw, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Ghana

Senior Research Scientist


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How to Cite

Manteaw, S. A., Anaglo, J. N., & Boateng, S. D. (2015). The Dynamics of Linkages and Innovativeness in Publicly and Privately Driven Agricultural Value Chains. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 19(1). Retrieved from



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