Adoption of Integrated Pest Management among Cocoa Farmers in Cross River and Osun States of Nigeria
Integrated pest management, Cocoa farmers, Farmers Field SchoolAbstract
The determinants of adoption of IPM among cocoa farmers were investigated in Cross Rivers State, 271 trained cocoa farmers were systematically selected out of 2704 while in Osun State 107 were selected out of 1070. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on respondents’ socio-economic characteristics, enterprise characteristics and benefits from IPM. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square. The mean age of the respondents across the states was 48.52±11.37 years. The total mean yield value was 1006.22kg. More yield (0.98±0.135) was ranked by the respondents as the most important benefit to them, followed by higher product quality (0.97±0.159) and higher income (0.96±0.206). In overall result there was significant relationship of sex (X2 =130.38) and benefit of IPM. Adoption of IPM increased income and yield among trained respondents. Training of farmers on IPM in all cocoa producing states should be intensified.References
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Aneani F., Anchirinah V. M, Owusu-Ansah, F. and Asamoah, M.2012 Adoption of Some Cocoa Production Technologies by Cocoa Farmers in Ghana Sustainable Agriculture Research Vol. 1, No. 1.103-117
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Famuyiwa B. S, Torimiro, D. O., Obatolu, B. O., and Uwagboe, E. O. 2014. Preventive Measures Adopted by Nigerian Farmers for the Environmental Hazards in Cocoa Plantations. Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol.18 (2):99-111
Huffman, W.E. 2001 Human capital: Education and agriculture, in: G.L Gardner and G.C. Rausser, eds Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 1B, Amsterdam, TheNetherland: Elsevier Science.
International Cocoa Organization 2012. Introduction to cocoa market. Supply: Production .com/news/2012-01-17/Accessed March 2014
Oluyole, K.A, Adebiyi S, Adejumo M.O. 2007. An Assessment of the Adoption of Cocoa Rehabilitation Techniques among Cocoa Farmers in Ijebu East Local GovernmentArea of Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Research and Policies.:2(1):56-60.
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Uwagboe, E. O. 2011 Effect of integrated Pest Management (IPM) utilisation on cocoafarmers’ yield in selected states of Nigeria. Unpublished M.phil thesis. University of Ibadan, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.
How to Cite
Uwagboe, E. O., Meludu, N. T., & Agbebaku, E. E. (2016). Adoption of Integrated Pest Management among Cocoa Farmers in Cross River and Osun States of Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 20(2). Retrieved from
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