Adoption of Improved Aquaculture Management Practices by Cluster Fish Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria
The adoption of proven fish production management practices portends manyeconomics and social implications. Interview schedule was employed togenerate primary data from 146 respondents in the four cluster fish farms(estates) in two local government areas and analyzed with descriptive andinferential statistics. Information on socio economic characteristics revealed thatmost of the respondents were in the active age bracket of 30-40 years, welleducated and small scale fish farmers with fewer years of experience membersat fish farmers association and married. Fellow farmers (57.5%) were majorsource of information on fish farming since the farmers were brought togetherunder the umbrella body of fish farmers’ association. The study further revealeda low adoption level for all the management practices on adoption index of 0.43which means that the farmers had only 43% adoption of the practices. Age,education and fish farming experience of fish farmers correlate with the adoptionof some improved aquaculture management practices. In view of prevailingevidence regular training and workshops to update the knowledge andinformation on modern aquaculture practices should be organized for fishfarmers.Downloads
How to Cite
Aphunu, A., & Agwu, A. (2014). Adoption of Improved Aquaculture Management Practices by Cluster Fish Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 18(2). Retrieved from
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